
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Time to Stop Procrastinating!

     Today I decided to try and stop procrastinating. It's easy to put things off, especially when that's what I am used to doing.  I have lots of goals, and there's no way I'll ever accomplish anything if I don't get started soon. Do any of you have this problem? How have you handled it?
      It gets more aggravating when the things you put off are related to your career (in my case, taking the activity director certification course). There are a lot of well meaning co-workers who want me to succeed, and ask me on a regular basis "What are you waiting for?" or "When do you start your class?" Every week that goes by that I don't do it (did I also mention I need $600?) I feel like a failure because not only have I let myself down, I've let down other people as well. But somehow that doesn't translate into accomplishing my goal. I feel sorry, try to explain why I haven't done it yet without crying poverty, or making a lame excuse. Nobody wants to hear excuses. Especially me- I have to live with myself.
     My hope in starting this blog was to get myself back on track with my writing, and in turn inspire myself to "just do it" as the sneaker ad once advised. If I hold myself accountable by having my goals as public record, maybe I will at least get started. Today I went online and reviewed the information I need to sign up. It only takes 16 weeks to complete the first part, I could've done it 100 times in the 11 years I've been in this job. When I think of that, it makes me really annoyed with myself. But is that counterproductive? Probably. God knows it hasn't helped me get ahead by picking on myself.
      Once again getting back to the title of my blog, I'm trying to make something of my life. I'm very lucky to have a great family, a good steady job doing something that helps people, and friends and colleagues who care enough to keep hounding me until I "just do it".
    When it's done, I'll get back to you!

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