
Sunday, October 14, 2012

My Desk is a Time Capsule!

     Today I spent about a half hour going through my desk. My desk is basically useless as practical piece of furniture. As a time capsule, it's perfect, and that's what it is!
     I hope you're curious as to what I found in my wonderful roll top. First, a little history. I paid $800.00 for my desk back in the 80's. Maybe it was 1984 or '85.  I was in high school, and I made about $30 a week working in the school library. We saw the desks one day window shopping in Newton Centre. I don't remember the details, I just remember when they were delivered. My Dad got one, too.  As it turned out, they weren't overly sturdy, with a couple of the drawer fronts falling apart within a couple of years. But I still love my desk, even though I never even pull down the top!
      Getting back to what I found.  The are lots of nice collectibles, mainly Dover Publications books of clip art, old advertising, animal and holiday postcards, and stuff like that. Neat stuff. I was smart to put them in the desk to protect them.  
      There was a container full of cancelled stamps. Back in the 90's, I had a fun hobby of making little magnets out of my cancelled stamps. I had a lot of pen pals at the time, so I got lots of mail from all over the country and the world. I even asked my pen pals to send me their unwanted stamps. In addition to the magnets, I used the stamps for decoupage on boxes, and gave them as gifts. Fun!
      I found a tin lunchbox that was housing lots of photos from the 90's as well. I was delighted to see three nice shots of my kitties Blackie and Bootsie. They weren't exactly friends, but on the day the photos were taken, they sat and posed for me on a kitchen chair.  Most of the other photos were of my iris', and the front yard.
      Are you dozing off yet with this story? I guess the point is, desks are kind of like the junk drawer everybody has in the kitchen. Lots of neat stuff too good to throw out, but not really anything you need, or use everyday.  Like my high school diploma, for example.
The reason I was ransacking my desk in the first place was because I needed my diploma for proof of graduation, to send to the certification board.  I found the cap I wore on graduation day, but not the diploma. Oh well. 
     I called my Alma mater and inquired if they had proof of my graduation in 1986. Lucky for me, they have my transcripts. I was surprised that they keep records for 60 years! For $3.00, they'll send my records directly to the certification board. I e-mailed them to make sure transcripts were acceptable, and they are. I should be getting this done this week.
     More discoveries: My Rubik's cube, circa 1981. I never got very far with mine; I was only smart enough to solve one side at a time.  Now I can't even do that, and I don't want to waste my time re-learning.
  I found two boxes full of comic strips I collected from the newspaper in the 80's. "Robotman" was a great strip back then, before it became "Monty". I have some of them in scrapbooks, but now if I feel inspired, I can continue the job.
   Am I the only one with a time-capsule desk? I must say I love all the stuff I found. But I just might re-organize my stuff to make room for my contemporary stuff!


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