
Monday, October 22, 2012

Lots of Thoughts this Weekend

     Well, another weekend down the drain. Here in New England, it was a beautiful; sunny and warm. Here's how it went for me.
      I went shopping yesterday, and bought a 20 lb bag of regular birdseed, and another feeder. It turns out the new feeder was designed for the thistle seed, and the old one was for regular seed. No wonder the birds were eating it like it was going out of style! So I transferred the thistle seed into the new feeder and filled old one with the new seed. Now the birds have more options, though they aren't picky! I took a short movie I'll try to upload. I'm still disappointed the goldfinches never came, but there have been doves, mockingbirds and cardinals visiting daily. I love watching the birds. They barely even fly away anymore. Maybe someday I'll try to get one to land in my hand.
     I also got a neat all stainless rake, with an adjustable slide that narrows and widens the tines of the rake. I love it, and it was only $5.50!
cute little birdie waiting for his turn!

A sparrow in the old pear tree

This is the old feeder with the wide openings, so the birds have been pigging out on the thistle seed!

One of the few bright trees in my neighborhood

A vine climbing up my old pine tree
      I had a real scare with my computer this weekend, I even considered a post entitled "If I throw my laptop out the window, be sure to let it crash!" For some reason, I wasn't able to access my documents. It said they couldn't be open because my "side by side configuration" was messed up. I don't know how or why it happened. I tried a system restore to no avail, and did some research online and it said to download some Microsoft application. By this time I was sceptical, but thank the Lord it worked! Now I have to get back to work on my writing assignments.
     Halloween is coming, and as much as I don't care for it, I wasted far too much time watching stupid "Friday the 13th" movies yesterday! What was I thinking? They were so stupid they were funny.  I put in for Halloween off this year, so I won't have to worry about a costume!
     I finally got around to buying new memory cards for my cameras, so I've been busy taking pictures of the fall foliage, what little there is of it.  Hopefully, I'll post some  of the better ones soon.  See a few photos of the birds and trees above!
   There might be good news about the Chinese restaurant I was lamenting the loss of recently. The staff is trying to get it back up and running again. To learn more about "South Pacific", which I think was one of the first Chinese restaurants in Newton, Google it. I guess they have a memory page on Facebook, but I haven't seen it.
     Well, gotta go, the weekend's over! Enjoy the coming week!

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