
Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Cindy is 11 years old today!

   It's hard to believe that Cindy has been in my life for almost 11 years. I brought her home on August 24, 2004. Think of how much has happened since then. Think of how many walks, how many meals, how many bones, how many rides in the car. 
   As a mascot, Cindy has been impeccable: Three World Series victories for the Red Sox, one Stanley Cup,  a Celtics Championship, and at least one Superbowl victory, but many appearances.
    As a pet, Cindy has come a long way. She is friendlier, though still stingy with face licks (unless you're a stranger, or my brother in law).
   I'm going to try to post a video I made in 2012, that I slaved on for months. I compiled photos and set them to music. The song is a folk song called "Cindy". Maybe you know it. 
     Back from 2004-2008 we had a fantastic bluegrass duo called the Tweedlers in at my work. That's where I first heard the song, and every time I had them in, I'd request that song. Once I even brought her in to hear them perform it! They are based in upstate NY, so I have lost touch with them. 
     So enjoy the song, and Cindy, thanks for being a great pet. I love you!!! I hope it works. It didn't play when I tried the preview. If it doesn't work, I'll upload it to YouTube (maybe).


  1. What a beautiful girl she was, and what a beautiful tribute you've put together for her. So sorry for your loss, Karin.....but she's in a better place......

    1. Rob, I'm sorry I didn't see this comment until almost two years later!!! I just watched it again because I miss her. I consider this one of my greatest accomplishments!! I'm glad you liked it. You understand what it means to love your dogs--Marcus was the best, and Marco is awesome too!
