
Monday, October 31, 2011

Is it me, or are there too many Zombies out there?!

     Happy Halloween, everybody! As I think I mentioned before, this isn't my favorite "holiday", I think it's really overly hyped.   I don't begrudge other adults from enjoying the day, it's just not my cup of tea, But since I work in a nursing home, (in activites), it's part of my job to make it fun for the residents. Today we had a costume contest. I lost my Groucho glasses, so I did the next best thing and went as a hippie!  All I needed was a tie-dye shirt, jeans, a bandana, and  glasses. Simple, and most everybody thought I fit the part! Others thought I was supposed to be an indian! Maybe that's a thought for next year, if the  PC police will allow it.
      We don't get many trick or treaters around here. We don't bother buying candy anymore, since nobody ever knocks on the door.  When I was a kid, going out for candy was fun, and more worthwhile with full sized candy bars.
       Anyway, I'm kind of glad Halloween is over tonight-there's been so many horror movies on over the past few weeks, the same ones repeated over and over again.  The Halloween francise, The Friday the 13th series, etc. I haven't really seen too many of the newer horror movies, because I'm not interested in gory, bloody violence. I prefer the  psycological thrillers.
     Some of the better ones I've seen include "The Haunting"; the original version from 1963,  "Phantasm" from 1979. Both of these are pretty creepy, and you have to be in the mood for them.  A few years ago I saw "The Ring" and that was kind of scary. It could have had a happy ending but they decided to go in the other direction, so they could have a sequel.  Another scary movie worth seeking out- "Dead of Night" an old B&W classic from the 40's. It has 3 or 4 stories intertwined, and has great atmosphere!  Not having to do with Halloween, but still scary, is "The Other" from 1972.  The details are sketchy now, but it had to do with twin brothers, one of whom was evil. I was only 8 or 9 when I first saw it, and it really scared me for a long time. I don't think it made total sense to me. I'll have to try watching it again.  If devil worshippers scare you (as they should) another movie that will creep you out is "Race with the Devil" from the early 1970's. It had Loretta Swit, Peter Fonda, Warren Oates and I think Susan George.
The last scary memory I have was from the movie "Magic". I never saw the movie, but the film ads with the ventriloquist dummy scared the heck out of me! Many a night alone I was kept awake by that stupid thing (I was only a kid, after all.)
     My main gripe that I almost forgot about was zombies and vampires!! Maybe I missed something, but why are zombies so in vogue right now? WHAT IS THE ATTRACTION?! Granted they ARE scary, at least to look at, or in premise. But do we really need to see them everywhere? They are mainstream now, and it kind of bothers me. I'm not too fond of vampires either. My old boss was obsessed with the "Twilight" saga, and the only way I stayed on her good side was to pretend I was interested. I guess I just don't understand.
     On that note, I hope you have a Happy Halloween, and don't eat too much candy!!! 

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