
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Am I the Only One Afraid of Facebook?

     I have to admit, it's tempting. I'm tempted to join Facebook, but so far, I've been able to resist. I don't know if it's a good idea. First, I keep hearing that it's a real time sucker. I don't have enough time for my current hobbies. Second, I don't know if I want to be "found" by long lost people. And I would feel guilty just ignoring them, which is what I'm told I can do when I ask Facebook devotees what I would do in that situation.  
     Then you have the awkwardness of co-workers and former co-workers. The whole thing is too political for me to even attempt. What if I was friends with so-and-so, who can't stand my boss, and vice- versa? What if my boss finds out and holds it against me, even without meaning to? 
     Bosses aren't even supposed to be friends with their staff. That is a good thing. Back when Facebook was new, people I knew felt obligated to friend their boss, and it was a total disaster. That day I vowed I would never join. But I'm starting to cave a little.
    Why? Mainly because I'm nosy. I want to see the pages of people I know, and used to know, even if I don't necessarily want to contact them. But if you don't join, you can't see very much.
     The other issue I have is how easy it is to goof up and share a private comment with everybody. I know there are privacy settings, but even then, mistakes happen. I wouldn't want to take that chance.   As it is, I've revealed more about myself in this blog than I planned on, and I don't like the whole idea that big brother is watching, recording every move I make online, even if I don't have anything to hide. Do you know where I'm coming from?
     At any rate, I may at some point sign up, put a generic profile up, and just use it to check out other people's profiles, though that doesn't seem right either.  If you're on Facebook, let me know how it works for you.  I'll let you know if I decide to join!

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