
Sunday, August 19, 2012

Another Typical Week Down the Drain

     I'm relaxing for a little while after working this weekend. I find myself writing a blog post most Sunday nights, after a few days of story ideas simmering in my head.  There's a lot going on, so this post is kind of a hodgepodge of thoughts and news.
     First of all, I'm glad the weather has cooled off. It was just too sticky, and it was bringing me down. I actually had to wear a sweatshirt this morning when I went to catch the bus. It's a reminder that summer will be over soon, and I'll be complaining about the cold!
     I went shopping the other day, and boy, was it fun. I guess most women like to shop, but I don't get out too often. When I do, it seems like I want to buy everything I see!  Of course, I like bargains; I don't want to buy overpriced items. We went to the Ocean State Job Lot, which is a discount store that has really expanded it's chain in the past few years. We went to the newest location in Waltham, MA. It was great! I had a limited amount of time, so I didn't look at everything. But the selection seems to be much better than the store in Dedham, MA.
     I bought a 20 pound bag of thistle seed, to try and attract those goldfinches I mentioned a couple of weeks ago. I haven't seen them for awhile now.  A little research on the web revealed that goldfinches don't migrate for the winter. I didn't know that. I also didn't know that the bright plumage is only during the summer months. 
      I sure hope the feeder does the trick. I will never forget the first time we went to Maine in 1990, and we were looking for our rental. While driving up a side street, there was a feeder with dozens of goldfinches on it. I have never seen anything like it.  I wish I had gotten a picture of it!
     Hmm, what else did I get? A set of sheets, that I didn't like (not soft enough). Nobody seems to sell flannel sheets anymore.  I got really lucky with some quality socks. They are Nautica brand, soft, stretchy and I think they're a closeout, because they don't sell them at Marshall's anymore.
So, I stocked up on them, they were only $5.99 for a 3 pack. I might even go back and buy the rest of them, just to be safe!  
     My mom came across an unusual item: coffee that's ready to microwave, in one of those microwave cups like the Campbell's "soup to go". They were only 75 cents, so I bought one. Haven't tried it yet. I've been in a quandary lately over coffee, because the latest cost-cutting measure at work is for the employees not to be allowed to have any of the coffee that's in the lobby. I hate to say that I feel deprived, but I do sometimes. Usually I have my coffee cart that I use to distribute coffee to residents in their rooms. But there was a change, and now my co-worker is doing the job, and there will only be one cart. So there won't be enough coffee for me to sneak a cup. Guess I'll be picking some up at 7-11 on the way into work, or else brew my own pot.
      Sorry to hear of the passing of Johnny Pesky, who you probably know was with the Boston Red Sox for decades. What a sweet, humble man he was. I never knew just how talented he was until this week, watching the tributes to him on TV. I'm sure if you Google his name, you'll find more information, if you are interested.
      Only three more episodes of "Breaking Bad" before it goes on hiatus again-boy does time fly. Looking forward to watching it later tonight.
     I'm cooking a turkey tonight, one that I defrosted that was a Christmas gift from my company.  It smells good, and it's nice to be able to use the oven without overheating the house.  
      I updated my LinkedIn account this week, but I still have more to do. There are lots of jobs out there. I still have to update my appearance (translation: I need a makeover, as my boss keeps gently reminding me). I also have to update my resume, and get the national exam for my certification done as quickly as possible.  I would really prefer to stay where I am: I never realize how lucky I am to have a job close to home until I talk to somebody who commutes and has to spend 20-30 hours a week sitting in traffic. No thank you! I'll deal with the little annoyances I have now, and bide my time.  I can afford to be selective in where I go.
     Until next week, take care, and appreciate all the little things that are going right!

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