
Friday, May 4, 2012

Look out for the Super Moon Saturday Night!

     This is just a quick post to alert you of the Super Moon that will be rising at 7:38 EST tomorrow night, May 5, 2012. I had never heard of that before, which is hard to believe, but true. From the bit of research I did today, it happens about once a year when the moon is the closest to the Earth.  If you want to Google "Super Moon 2012" you can get all the technical details and see lots of cool photos from years past.
     I am going to try and get some decent photos. I really have to buy a tripod. It's maddening to try and get a picture of a distant planet like Jupiter when the camera doesn't stay still.  A couple of months ago the moon was huge coming up at dusk. But when I tried to get a clearer view by walking to the top of the hill , it got smaller!
     Even if you don't get any pictures, try and get outside to see it, if you have clear weather. Why not get a picture and send it to me so we can share them?  If I get any nice ones, I will post it. The moon is one of those things that I love to photograph. It's different every day. One time when I was vacationing in Maine, the moon was huge and bright red, over the ocean. I got pictures with my binocular camera, but unlucky for me, the batteries died before I could transfer the pictures. The ones in my regular camera were too tiny.  Below is a collage I made with Picassa- as you can see, I need to get some different shots.
As Jack Horkheimer used to say, "Keep looking up"!

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