
Sunday, May 12, 2013

May Musings

     May I say a few words about May? It is a merry month if you enjoy watching the landscape transform from drab to divine. I haven't written in a while, I've just been so busy and too tired to write. I've fallen behind in my journals, and since I've expanded to three blogs, I feel a little pressure to do more.
     Anyway, I have to say a few words about how lovely May is- my favorite month. The weather warms up enough to make you realize that winter really is over. But it's usually not too hot. I'm definitely not ready for that yet.
      The best part for me is the flowery aroma wafting through the air. I'm lucky there's lots of blooming trees in my yard. Not only are they beautiful, they smell SO GOOD!!! I love the way the petals blow around lightly like snowflakes, sometimes in pink.  I take pictures every year, and I'm trying to find creative new ways to capture the beauty.
        Ever since I found a nest in the yard in 2008, I'm always on the lookout for another. It's so neat! I was lucky enough to have a very short video of the babies. 
      I also feel inspired listening to the birds sing. I love to hear them really early in the morning, when it's still dark. Nothing is better than the still of the night,  pierced by the urgent tweets and melodies of a songbird. I'm going to try and post an audio recording from a few years ago of a mockingbird that was singing in my yard-it's a video, but you can't see anything-just listen.

I uploaded the video, but I don't think it's going to play-I might have to convert it to you tube first. We'll see. 
     Well, I'll close for now and try to be back soon-in the meantime, enjoy the onset of spring! It'll be over before we know it.

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