
Sunday, March 11, 2012

A Little Bit More About Daylight Savings!

     I wrote a lengthy piece yesterday about daylight savings, but how could I forget the most important part?  This was always the day (back when it happened in April) that my grandmother and I would rejoice over.  We visited her on Sundays, and this was one Sunday we tried to always celebrate together. If I didn't make it to her home, we would talk about it over the phone, the novelty of it staying light out after 7pm.  I know Grammy is thinking about this from her most comfortable cloud up there, and smiling.
    As far as this year goes, I stayed up too late last night because of the time change, and in turn should have set my alarm so I wouldn't oversleep today. That's one thing I really dislike about daylight savings-the time I lose at night, it just goes too quickly! In reality, if you aren't paying attention to what time it is, you really won't even know there's a difference at all.  Unfortunately, I do have to watch the time, so it does matter. But it will all blow over in a few days.
    Wherever you are, have a good night!  This is a sunset from Old Orchard Beach a couple of years ago.

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