
Monday, December 26, 2011

Feeling good that 2011 is coming to a close!

     I don't know about you, but for some reason, just knowing the year is almost over is a big relief.
I'm sure a lot of it has to do with the fact that Christmas, and it's stresses, are over.  For reasons I have yet to figure out, I get a big burst of ambition AFTER the holiday. Like I want to go shopping and buy everything half-price, wrap and store away next year's gifts, so I won't have any last minute shopping woes. Of course it never happens, but it's nice to think about.
    I had to work today, but I stopped at CVS to see what was marked down before I went to work. The pickings were pretty slim!  No lights or decorations to speak of and it was only 7:30 am. They weren't even open yesterday, so how did they sell out so fast?  Oh well, I'll have to try Walgreens tommorrow.  The wrapping paper and cards weren't even marked down yet.
     I have a little time to write today because I had the week off from class.  I almost hated to have the week off because I didn't want to lose the momentum I had of managing my time. It's not easy balancing work/ home responsibities and still have time or energy to devote to hobbies.  A chronic procrastinator like me has to constantly push themself to stay on course, or else spiral out of control, and fall hopelessly behind.  Time managment is a skill that not everybody has, but I'm working on it. 
     At the end of the year, people tend to reflect on what has happened during the past 12 months, whether they achieved any of their goals. Then we make lists of what we would like to accomplish for the upcoming year.  I'm not going to do that here. That would only be setting myself up for failure in front of a large audience (well, my audience isn't really that large, but the potential is there!) I have 477 page views since my blog debuted in October. But probably 100 of them were me- I thought I had clicked "do not count your own page views" on my settings, but alas, no.  But I can say that I have readers in America, Germany, Bermuda, Russia, and Latvia.  Most of the Americans are local, even members of my family, which is nice. When I'm writing, I don't really write for a specific person or audience. I write about what interests me. Hopefully, you are finding it worthwhile.
     In a nutshell, the new year brings us hope. Hope that we can start fresh, and no matter how drab or disappointing life is, we can change ourselves for the better.  How we can feel inspired this way in the cold of January, I'm not sure. Maybe it's because we're gaining back a minute of light each day, and we know from past experience that we can overcome any obstacle if we put our mind to it.   There are a lot of things I would like to change about myself, and things I would like to learn how to do to better myself.  I hope that by this time in 2012, if the world does not end as predicted, I will have accomplished these changes. But I hope that even if I don't, I would still be accepted as I am, with all my flaws and failures. That would give me the hope and inspiration to keep on fighting and never giving up.
     Happy New Year, and here's to starting anew!

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