
Monday, February 14, 2022

Random Thoughts on a Cold February Night

   I'm happy that winter is moving right along. It's certainly a gift that February only has 28 days most years. When I started this post, it was at least a week ago, and now February is already at it's midpoint, Valentine's Day! 

    Valentine's Day has no romantic implications for me, so I tend to think about it as little as possible. I used to plan parties every year at work, and it's a great decorating holiday. Who doesn't love hearts, red and pink, flowers, and candy? 

   It used to be my mission in life to get to all the local drugstores and hoard the half-price boxes of chocolates, and cute stuffed animals in the days following V-day. Nowadays I don't even think they stock as much, so there's fewer surplus to sell. And they wait longer to mark it down. It's probably just as well, at least for my waistline.

    What else is going on in February? We had groundhog day, with the obvious outcome, whether he saw his shadow or not. We are gaining more daylight, and it's noticeable enough to make me happy.

        Yesterday, we had the Superbowl. Not hyped like it used to be, which is alright with me. No Patriots or Tom Brady involved this year to hold my interest. 

    I didn't even hear a word about the ads, and how expensive and influential they are. I never even tuned into the "puppy bowl", which is more exciting to me than the football game.  

   I didn't watch the halftime show, knowing in advance it wasn't anything I wanted to see. Nothing personal, I'm just not attuned to that type of "music", or whatever it is.

    We had "Twos-day" on 2/2/22, and later in the month we'll have 2/22/22-is this the day they'll be making more of a fuss over? I guess we'll find out.

    February 6th was the anniversary of the blizzard of '78, a time all us New England natives will remember, those of us "lucky" enough to be there. I was 10 at the time, and we did get a lot of snow. It bothers me that every time we've gotten a big storm in recent years, it's compared; and sometimes said to be worse or as historic. No matter what statistics they use, this was the real storm of  the century. Period, end of conversation.

     I have a lot of friends and family with February birthdays-my beautiful niece and amazing nephew, for starters. Then my pen-pal Michaela, no longer with us, but all of us who knew her will never forget her. I have two friends who share a birthday, a former co-worker, and another pen pal. Both are fun, loyal friends I'm glad I've known all these years. Old friends are the best friends!

    February 28th was my cat Bigfoot's birthday, as I've mentioned in the past. We called him a Blizzard Baby-he was born in 1978. My grandfather was a Leap-year baby, born in 1916. We always got a kick out of that, him being much younger technically than his age.

    February is such a turning point. Being a short month, it brings us into March, knowing spring is right around the corner. Even if we can still get frigid weather and buried in snow. We can plan our summer vacation or our spring garden, because the time goes so quickly, we'll run out of time if we dilly dally.

   I hope you're new year is going well, and you are enjoying your February, where ever you are!

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