
Friday, February 28, 2014

Happy Birthday, Biggie Boy!

   Wow, it's been a year that has gone awfully quick. It seems like only a couple months ago I was wishing my Bigfoot a happy 35th birthday. Now it's almost midnight, so I have to hurry and post this-happy 36th, Biggie.
    He was quite a cat. He had all kinds of nick-names: Mr. Foot, Sasquatch, Striperino. There were many more that escape me at the moment.  He was a beautiful sight, with all his fluffy fur, especially his tail and tufts on either side of his head. And of course, his feet, all 27 toes. He could knock on  the door with a claw!
   I'll close for now-if you knew Bigfoot, you remember him fondly. So do I! Miss you!

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