
Monday, July 1, 2013

Cindy is 9 Today!!

Hard to believe, but my Cindy is nine years old today!
There isn't much I haven't already said about my wonderful Australian Cattle Dog/Collie mix.
She's a great companion, smart, cute, friendly.
Sometimes she barks a little too much, but other than that, she's a model citizen.
Cindy loves to go for walks, and especially enjoys riding in the car with her head out the window.
Naturally, her favorite hobby is eating. She'll be getting some special scraps today.
Here's young Cindy with Octoboy

Knawing on a rawhide; she's a few months old here.

Isn't she sweet?! This is when Cindy was a couple months old. We were at the playground, and I think she found the baseball.

I like to take photos of Cindy where her head looks bigger.

I was sitting right next to her when I took this one-she's a happy dog!

This is from late 2005. I'm not sure why her eyes are closed, but  it's one of my favorite shots.

From 2005 also. Boy, was she skinny then! Look at the intensity in her eyes.

This is 2006, after I returned from vacation. Cindy looked extra spiffy after having had a shampoo at the Doggie Spa.
I'm very proud of Cindy, and I'm so grateful she's my dog. She is very intelligent. And I guarantee she can understand every word I say!
She's now considered a "senior" dog, and she may be slowing down a little bit.  Her eyesight doesn't seem as sharp, and maybe she isn't as fast running up and down the stairs as she used to be. But she's still young at heart, and her heart is made of gold.  

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