I've had computer trouble the past day or two, so this annual tribute to my departed darlings is a day late. They came into the world on March 26, 1991. I already told the story of their early days in last year's birthday post. So this time, I'll just post some pictures and include some short memories.
Here's Bootsie--This is after his Mom Willamina moved them from under the rabbit hutch to this dugout next to one of the cellar windows. I think the black blob next to him is Priscilla. When it started raining, I brought the kittens in the house, forcing Willamina, who was feral, to come inside for a few months (she of course went outside, but up until that point was afraid to come in.
Not sure how old they were here, but they were just starting to eat solid food. It was a nice day, so we brought them outside. This cage was originally for a rabbit we inherited. Chester is on the far left, next to him is Bootsie, the two gray and white ones are next, and Priscilla. You can't see the other adorable kitten I named Mandy.
 Here's Bootsie. he hasn't grown into his ears yet!
I always loved the way he folded his paws under. So cute!!
Here's Chester-he loved to tuck his legs under too. For some reason I can't enlarge the pix, but you can still see how handsome he was!
 This was one of the few times I used a prop in my pictures. Since the ceramic cat was black and white also, I showed it to Priscilla, and she came through. We wanted to keep her too, but they didn't get along (she and Grace hated eachother). We gave her to someone at my Mom's work at the time.
 I just love this picture--Prissy is gorgeous, and Bootsie is adorable!
 Here's Chester when he was older. He was a real ham!
 One thing I loved about the Tiger Boys was that they hung out together alot!
 Here's the last picture I have of Bootsiehewent to kitty heaven. I sure miss him. I was lucky the bright sun made an interesting shot on the stairs.
 This is the last picture I took of Chester. He was an indoor cat, but in his later years, we let him go outside.
Well, I hope you enjoyed seeing my boys. They were a part of my life for fifteen years, and I cherish the memories of them.
Enjoy the time you have with your pets!
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