It's hard to believe, but winter is just around the corner! The unofficial start for me is the first day of Eastern Standard Time. I still don't like it, but I'm trying my hardest to embrace the things I don't enjoy but can't change.
I must say it wasn't that bad this time around. When I got up today, I actually had forgotten about turning the clock back. More often now, the clocks turn themselves backwards and forwards. Since the TV and my cell phone both did, I didn't even realize I stole an extra hour of sleep without actually sleeping (too) late! I was delighted.
The payback came later when it was dark before 5:00. I think the best way to deal with it is just to avoid being around a clock when it gets dark. Tonight I was outside at dusk, raking leaves and sweeping the driveway of stones that came down during last week's hurricane. It seemed like 6:00, but when I went back inside it was only 5:00, so I gained an hour of time. I used it to bake a cake. If I'm smart, I'll make the most of my extra time, because it only lasts for a day or two and then things go back to normal.
In a way, I'm excited at the kickoff to the holiday season, if only because the sooner it starts, the sooner it will end, and it will be springtime again! My pet peeve is having the holidays pushed on me before I'm ready. I'm happy to have Halloween over and done with, and I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving. Then, Christmas will be here before we know it. December always goes quick.
The only thing that will louse up my plan for a quick winter is the weather. Last year New England was blessed with an non-existent winter, something I will be forever grateful for after the previous year, which was all snow and ice. I won't even complain about the cold if we can avoid freezing rain and sleet.
I hope where ever you are, may it be Bermuda, the Ukraine or even Qatar( a place I never even heard of until I started this blog), the next few months will be easy for you. Happy November!
Here I'll leave you with a picture of a wonderful sunset from 2010. It's easier to see them when the leaves are off the trees. Hopefully, I'll get many more wonderful sunsets this season.
Grammy, I hope turning the clock back is more tolerable for you up in Heaven!! Thinking of you always, but especially on this day, that we always dealt with together. Miss you!
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