
Saturday, December 26, 2015

We Made it Through Another Christmas!

    Well, here it is, December 26th. That means that Christmas is over for another year. Do you feel relieved? I always feel better when the holiday season is winding down.
     If you've read any of my past posts at the holidays, you know my views, and things haven't really changed. I spend the entire month of December living Christmas, since I do activities in a nursing home. This year, things went very well. The decorations were up on time, and even though our large tree should go in the trash, it ended up looking beautiful. We plan on getting a new tree or two next week, marked way down. 
    I think I resent the fact that the same exact items that were full price a few days earlier when you need them are now dirt cheap. So I try to plan ahead and stock up for next year if I can make it to the store. 
    Getting back to the activities themselves, we had a wonderful party with the families invited, not to mention three concerts where Carolers sang. Then on Christmas Eve, our social worker put on Santa's suit and we passed out Christmas presents, drank cocoa, and ate cookies and little eclairs.  The staff where I work bought lovely gifts for the residents. I signed up for three residents, and even though it was supposed to be a secret Santa, they all seemed to know it was me!  The week before Christmas I had a little fundraiser sale, and raised $75.00. Not too bad for the amount of time I put in, and small amount of customers I had.
   I was lucky enough to have Christmas off, and the weather was unseasonably warm for New England--try 65 degrees! I'm not complaining, it was very enjoyable. But not exactly Christmas-y.  The visit to my sister's house for dinner was nice.  But I would give almost anything to have another Christmas at my grandmother's house again. It's been eight years since we had the pleasure of cooking dinner and driving it to her house, eating with her and my uncle, and then enjoying the fireplace, opening gifts, and being sleepy on the couch. I miss my grandfather too, but I was so close to my Grammy, it's her I think of most. She loved Christmas!
    I love Christmas too, but I have to admit I still struggle with that love/hate relationship that comes from a lack of time to do the things I really want to do. I'm just too busy and too tired to appreciate the season. Time flies and before you know it, I've had no time to go shopping for my own family! Not that I have many presents to buy, wouldn't you think I'd set aside one day to get it done? I ordered a couple of things online, and if I had tried a little harder, I could've had all my gifts online and patted myself on the back.  Instead I had to tell my sister I had no gifts for her and her hubby. Just a couple for my nephew and my grand niece. Luckily, she understood, because she works in a nursing home too.  
    I'm ordering their gifts today, and having them sent to their house. Then I'll be done with Christmas 2015, and ready to move on to the new year, and hopefully better things beginning.
My resolution for next year? The same ones I've broken the previous few years--get the shopping done early, find time to do meaningful things, like make my favorite cookies and fruitcake, and get the house decorated nicely, especially outdoors. Hear the Christmas music I like and watch the Christmas movies I want to see. I still don't have a copy of "It's a Wonderful Life" on DVD. Gotta get that.
    I guess I'm happy my occupation allows me to help others enjoy the season. But I probably won't enjoy it as much myself until I retire!
  Merry Christmas!!

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Staying Busy As Summer Passes Me By

   It's been a long long time since I wrote in this blog. I just discovered that I've only written two posts this year!! I can't believe it.  So I'm taking the time now to update you (if you care) on what's going on around here.
    First of all, it never ceases to amaze me how fast the time goes by. Days, weeks, months, all gone in the blink of an eye. My line of work revolves around time: constantly planning for next month, and booking vendors for the next year.  You can almost see the time elapse, as each event you plan and worry about finally comes to fruition and you are equal parts happy it all went well, and relieved it's over until the next big event. Then you drop from exhaustion! 
    This year I had lots of big events at work-our "Spring Fling" in June where we bus 12 of our residents to the Senior Center for meal and music (along with the other 8 facilities in our company). 
      In July we had a special event at my facility, where a world renowned percussionist came in and played. He was with our former social worker, who started this non-profit organization to raise money to send Ugandan children to schools. I wrote a press release and sent a bunch of pictures to the local paper, and they printed a full page. The company bigwigs were very happy with the publicity, and I was gratified to see my work pay off. Beth and Samuel, otherwise known as Bakka2thesource, were pleased too. You should check out their Facebook page for more information. Or google it to see some videos. Maybe I can post one here!
     In August we had the "Concert on the Common" -South Natick Common, that is.  We brought a busload of residents to that, from 6-8 pm. That was a very long day for me, but I lived through it! Then we had our Family BBQ, another evening event, which went well. Before you know it, it will be Grandparents Day, 
    I'm getting anxiety already as I fear the coming winter may be as miserable as last years was. I dread the thought of trying to get around in piles of snow and ice. Yuck. I know it makes no sense to worry about something that I can't change and isn't going to happen for at least 2-3 months. So instead I'll listen to the crickets and enjoy the cooler nights. Hope you will too.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Cindy is 11 years old today!

   It's hard to believe that Cindy has been in my life for almost 11 years. I brought her home on August 24, 2004. Think of how much has happened since then. Think of how many walks, how many meals, how many bones, how many rides in the car. 
   As a mascot, Cindy has been impeccable: Three World Series victories for the Red Sox, one Stanley Cup,  a Celtics Championship, and at least one Superbowl victory, but many appearances.
    As a pet, Cindy has come a long way. She is friendlier, though still stingy with face licks (unless you're a stranger, or my brother in law).
   I'm going to try to post a video I made in 2012, that I slaved on for months. I compiled photos and set them to music. The song is a folk song called "Cindy". Maybe you know it. 
     Back from 2004-2008 we had a fantastic bluegrass duo called the Tweedlers in at my work. That's where I first heard the song, and every time I had them in, I'd request that song. Once I even brought her in to hear them perform it! They are based in upstate NY, so I have lost touch with them. 
     So enjoy the song, and Cindy, thanks for being a great pet. I love you!!! I hope it works. It didn't play when I tried the preview. If it doesn't work, I'll upload it to YouTube (maybe).

Monday, May 11, 2015

Wish I had more time for my blogs!

 Its been months since I wrote and published a blog post. In my defense, there were a couple of times I had tried, and the blogger upload process wasn't working, and it wouldn't even save my work, so I never expressed my thoughts to the world.
 I still have some of the drafts, and they would have been interesting, but now they just seem outdated.
 There was a lot to talk about since November-so I can encapsulate it by just giving you the clever titles...

"Look Ma, I'm driving!"  I don't think I got past the title on this one, but it would've been about my first four driving lessons. I took the winter off due to all the snow on the sides of the road. I've anxious to get this done, but it's not as easy to accomplish as all my onlookers think. More on this one later.

I had two Christmas essays; "Here comes Christmas Again" and "Merry Christmas-the 2014 edition". I don't remember what my brilliant observations were at the time, but it's too late to go into now.

I didn't honor my Bigfoot on February 28th or Bootsie and Chester on March 26th, as I normally do. Belated Happy Birthday, Guys!! I still love and miss you!
Lastly, we have "Snow doubt about it-it's been a MISERABLE winter! This one is self explanatory. I'm just glad it's now only a memory, except for those darn potholes!

 So what have I been up to since last year? The same old same, work work. Day to day stuff. The happiest news? My niece had a beautiful baby girl on December 18th. She is precious, just like her Mommy. I can't believe how fast she grew up!
  At work, we just had a deficiency free state survey (dept. of public health). It's not easy to do, so I'm very happy and proud. 
  Aside from that, I'm enjoying the spring flowers and warmer weather. I do seem to be more affected by the pollen than I used to be, but I'll deal with it.
  So now that we're up to date, I'll try to get back to weekly posts-I still have my "fun with food" and "Karin's natural world" blogs to work on as well.
  Take care!!