
Sunday, November 16, 2014

Thoughts to Ponder on a mid-November Night

     I haven't written much lately-my blog is getting dusty. I used to write at least once a week, but it's just been too busy of late.
     Not that I'm making excuses. I thought I'd make up for lost time by recapping what I've been up to the past few months. This will be an encapsulated edition of several blog posts I started but never finished.
    For several weeks I've been lamenting the loss of warm weather and dreading the onslaught of what they promise is going to be another grueling winter. I always marvel at how I can't wait for the heat and humidity to end, yet the first frost I'm pining for a heatwave. I always have a melancholy feeling about the end of daylight savings time-it feels so extreme, how early the sun goes down. It's weird that in November, 7 pm might as well be the middle of the night, but in April or May, the night is still very young.
This year I was at my niece's baby shower the Sunday we lost the hour (I was home by dark). I tried not to pay too much attention to it.
     The main thing on my mind these days is getting my drivers license. It's not progressing as fast as I'd like, and that annoys me. I thought I'd be road-test ready by the six lessons-but after three lessons, it's clear that I'm going to need more, unless I get lots of extra practice in. One thing I have noticed is, that it seems everybody I talk to has a friend or relative that is learning to drive at an advanced age. I salute them, so maybe I should salute myself too. I know I can do it, it's just going to take time.
     The problem (and the reason I'm taking lessons to begin with) is I don't have a vehicle to drive, or a relative nearby to take me out.  All I can do is be patient and take my time. I hope the wonderful people who pick me up and drop me off will continue to be as kind and patient as they've been so far.
    I've made it to my first anniversary of my "new" job, and celebrated by taking a week off! It was nice to get away for a few days, and not think about work hardly at all. I didn't do everything on my to-do list, but got some much needed rest.
     Now I'm ready to tackle the holiday season. If I had any more time off, I'd get lazy. I love my job, I just have to solve my driving dilemma, and I'll be happy.
     2014 went fast, and I hope the trend continues! I'm happy that Halloween is over with, it seemed to go on for months. I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas, and the start of a new year with new possibilities. And hopefully, more blog posts!
Take Care,