
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

It's No Fun Getting Caught in the Rain!

   I had an aggravating experience a few Sundays ago. I had to work, and it was a rainy morning. I didn't know we were about to have a tropical depression though!
   The rain was pouring down, but I had to go out in it anyway, to wait for the bus. On the weekend, buses only run every hour and a half, so I had to make sure I didn't miss it. It usually goes by at 8:55, even though it's supposed to go by at 8:45. I went out at 8:40.
   I had my umbrella, but didn't dare use it. There was thunder and lightning all around, and since that tree outside my house was struck by lightning in July, I wasn't taking any chances.
    I wore my leather jacket, and my canvas hat. I don't have a raincoat or poncho. Guess it's time I get one. If I had it to do over again, I would've put a plastic trash bag on.
    Within five minutes, the rain had completely soaked through my coat and hat. And my pants? Forget it.  If you're wondering why I didn't go back inside, believe me, I considered it a few times. The reasons I didn't: I'm dedicated to my job, and I was already so wet, and the bus was supposed to be coming soon. 
   I had the brains to bring an extra shirt in my backpack, but I didn't put it in plastic. My backpack wasn't waterproof either, so my dry shirt was wet by the time I put it on. But it wasn't soaked, so it was a major improvement.
    While the rain continued to pour in buckets, I think I saw a cat and dog come down, too! I paced back and forth, but by now the sidewalk was flooded, and wherever I walked, my shoes were wading through puddles of water. I opened my umbrella momentarily, but thought the better of it as the thunder boomed overhead, and I decided I'd rather be wet than paralyzed lying on the ground. To add insult to injury, there was so much water in the street that the cars going by inevitably splashed me.
   I had to go to work, since nobody else was there to cover for me, it being the weekend. Mercifully, the bus finally showed up, at 9:15, only about 30 minutes late. All I can say is, standing in the pouring rain for that long can really get you soaked. I got on the bus, and then you should have seen the rain gushing in from a trap door on the floor! 
  When I arrived at the stop, I had new problems. Where do I walk, with all these huge moving puddles of water? There was no way around it, my shoes were going to get soaked again. It was an all day "squish" fest, walking in wet socks and shoes. Yuck.
    Once I actually set foot in the building, I saw a waterfall flowing into the front lobby! The flood ruined a lot of the carpeting in the lobby, and three offices. Luckily, it didn't damage the rehab gym or get into the elevator shaft! Housekeeping did a nice job keeping it soaked up with towels and water vacuum.
    The day got better after that, but it took all day for my pants to completely dry. Within a couple of hours, the sun was out. 
    It's taken them all this time to replace the carpeting (a new color, that makes the hallway look much wider) and they've been painting the baseboards. 
     I'm not even sure why I'm writing this, when I started writing this article it was the same day, and it seemed important. Now it's just a distant memory.  I think I'm going to buy myself a raincoat. Stay dry!